Turriff Primary


We use this document to support our procedure around pupils taking and receiving medication in school. Supporting Children and Young People with Health Care Needs and Managing Medicines in Educational Establishments May 2024 (asn-aberdeenshire.org)

If you would like your child to receive short term medication in school, the medicine needs to have a prescribing label with your child named either issued by the GP (or other health professional) or by the chemist through the Minor Ailments Service The NHS Minor Ailment Service at your local pharmacy – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Parents should complete Med Form 1 – Request for School to Administer Medication which is available from the staff in the school office, a copy will be provided to parents and the original copy will be kept in school with the medication you provide.

link to med form 1

Parents can also complete Med Form 3- Request for Pupil to Carry His/ Her Medication and Administer
it for medicines such as inhalers that should be carried by the pupil or lotions for eczema on the hands that can be applied to relive and sooth. Again copies will be made to provide parents with a copy and original kept in school.

link to med form 3

For medication for longer term health needs please speak to DHT Miss Harris.